Now Available!  These are 3 Office Buildings totaling approximately 10,500 square feet in the heart of Bel Air across from the main entrance to the Court House.  Properties are owned by long time law firm in Harford County. They are B2 Zoning in Bel Air, allowing for office, retail, or apartments and have 5-6 parking spaces on site with a large parking lot to the rear of the property.

This is a beautiful street and there are many fine touches in the buildings.  Call the Agent for more details.

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Winter Gardening

It’s March, and although we’ve had a mild winter, you might be daydreaming about warm breezes, sunshine and fresh local produce. What better way to increase your availability to at least one of these by creating a home vegetable garden using a kiddie pool. 


What you will need:

Hard plastic kiddie pool

Electric drill

Loose rocks/gravel

Potting soil


Seeds of choice

Seedling starter planters



Preparing the pool for planting

  1. Drill drainage holes into bottom and sides of the pool about 6 inches apart.
  2. Put the pool in a place with adequate sunlight, and access to water
  3. Fill the bottom with rocks to about 1.5 inches depth
  4. Fill the rest with soil


What to…

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